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012 61 97 15, 093 41 88 99,
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SOGE produces some components in solar system such as Charge Controller, Sun tracker, battery balancer, Smart irrigation…

  1. Charge Controller:
    • Regulates the voltage and current coming from the solar panels to the battery, ensuring safe and efficient charging.
    • Protects batteries from overcharging and extends their lifespan by managing the power flow.
  2. Sun Tracker:
    • Orients solar panels towards the sun throughout the day to maximize energy capture.
    • Increases the efficiency of solar panels by ensuring they receive the most sunlight possible, leading to higher energy production.
  3. Battery Balancer:
    • Ensures equal charge distribution among batteries in a solar system.
    • Prevents imbalances that could lead to reduced battery performance or lifespan, enhancing the overall efficiency and reliability of the solar system.
  4. Smart Irrigation:
    • Uses solar energy and smart technology to efficiently manage water resources for agricultural purposes.
    • Optimizes water usage, reduces waste, and improves crop yields by providing precise irrigation based on real-time data.
These components are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of solar systems, contributing to sustainable energy solutions.